When I saw a picture of this handbag for the first time there was something about it I really didn't like. I wouldn't know why but the usual thought "I want it and I want to do it right now", didn't come to mind.
Casi un año después decidí darle una oportunidad y hacerlo, busqué entre mi colección y encontré estas preciosas telas. Espero que os gusten tanto como a mí.
Nearly, I year after the first time I saw it I decided it to give it a chance so I went through my fabric's collection and found these lovely fabrics. I hope you like them as much as I do.
Ahora que lo he hecho y usado, estoy muy feliz de haberlo hecho. Tiene un tamaño estupendo y su cinta cruzada lo hace muy cómodo.
Now that I've done it and used it, I'm really happy I've done it. It has a very good size and its crossed banner is very comfy.
Espero que os haya gustado. Si os animáis a hacerlo, podéis encontrarlo en el nuevo libro de Francesca "El Jardín Encantado" en Shabby Home.
I hope you all liked it. If you decide to make one you can find the design in Francesca's new book, "The Enchanted Garden" at Shabby Home.
¡Abrazos a tod@s y feliz semana!
Hugs to all of you and happy week!!!